On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Karsten Heymann wrote:

> Hi LyX-Developers,
> I have a small feature request: Would it be possible that a switch
> "disable lyx print dialog" would be added to the printing settings
> dialog?

Solving this using a preference option feels "twisted" somehow...

How about a lyx-function that prints without opening a dialog? In e.g.
windoze, C-p often prints directly, whereas File->Print opens a dialog.
The lfun in 1.3.3 is 'buffer-print', and a new lfun could be called 
'buffer-print-now', or the first one could take an argument to make it 
print without the dialog.

> That would be handy if someone uses kprinter or qtcups or the
> like as print spooler program, because at the moment always two print
> dialogs appear, one from lyx and one from kprinter. That's especially
> irritating for unexperienced users. 

I take it that when you press C-p, you first get LyX's dialog, and then 
when you've pressed Ok in that, you then get the dialog from kprinter?


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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