>>>>> "Jose'" == Jose' Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jose'> Hi Jean-Marc, attached follows the patch that backports all the
Jose'> fixes in lyx2lyx 1.4 to 1.3. The remaining differences between
Jose'> both codes are the new features in 1.4: ability to read gzipped
Jose'> files and an error chanel redirection.

Jose'>  I will test it during the afternoon, and commit it after if I
Jose'> don't get any objections.

Jose'>  FWIW I am auditing every change to see if it does not
Jose'> introduces any regression. In favour of the new code is the
Jose'> fact that it has been tested many times and it does not
Jose'> presents any know(!) flaw.

Jose'>  I will proceed carefully as I don't have any brown bags
Jose'> around. ;-) (famous last words :-)) -- José Abílio

Go ahead, I trust that you will have time to find brown paper bags
before release :)


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