Angus Leeming wrote
> Hi Claus.
> Sounds nice indeed! Is there an equivalent fig2pdf script?

Yes. The package consist of one perl script (8k) which can produce both
ps and/or pdf.

It is nice to know that you have worked on similar functionality.

I have attached a tarball with the script from the fig2ps Debian package
along with its copyright file. Maybe you can get some inspiration for
your own scripts or you may find it suitable for inclusion into the LyX
codebase? As far as I know it is currently only packaged for Debian.


Ph.D.-studerende Claus Hindsgaul
Reberbanegade 53, 4. th, DK-2300 KBH S
Copenhagen, Denmark

Attachment: fig2ps.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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