This from BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaDispatch:
    // Try to dispatch to an non-editable inset near this position
    DispatchResult res;
    if (inset)
        inset->dispatch(cur, cmd);

    // Dispatch to the temp cursor.
    // An inset (or LyXText) can assign this to bv->cursor()
    // if it wishes to do so.
    if (!res.dispatched())
        res = cur.dispatch(cmd);

I think that the code is a relic of the (not so distant) days when 
Inset::dispatch returned a DispatchResult rather than void. Should it 
not be rewritten as:

    if (inset)
        inset->dispatch(cur, cmd);
    DispatchResult const res = cur.dispatch(cmd);

Or even as:

    DispatchResult const res = cur.dispatch(cmd);

? It seems to me that the cursor is now responsible for initiating the 
dispatch to the correct inset.

Help! ;-)


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