On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 06:51:31PM +0000, Andreas Vox wrote:
> <   No way. 
> Ok, but then it definitely will not be stored in .layout files.
> < > c) a converter
> <   All the tools I know work only for valid documents. Is there any of the
> < used tools who doesn't care about the the document validation? I don't think
> < so.
> saxon wasn't quite as picky as Openjade.

  As far as I understand you don't have a choice.
  As simples as it can be.
  That is if you change the smgl declaration it is no more xml. That is how
read it. Note that I can be wrong.

  Please try saxon with different labels and see the result. Is it what you

> I understood that '-' and '.' already are allowed by the standard?

  If I'm right we making a tempest in a tea pot. That is what I'm trying to
say, I don't see anymore choice other than the '_' so the resulting document
is not insane. No need to make it complex.

  The other point of Chris is: should lyx be clever and not tell the users
that it is fixing the document without the user's approval? Chris thinks
not, the lyx core team thinks otherwise.

  All the discussion comes to this. And only for sgml, not for xml.

> Does Lex::lex give unicode  chars? Does std::string store them? 
> Should we bother? (another white area on my mental map of LyX)

  That will be for 1.5 or 2.0 as I prefer to think. ;-)

> < > Oh BTW, Chris, if you read this: 
> < > what happens if the user activates '&' for names? 
> <   You know the result. 
> I don't *know* it. But of course I have a vivid imagination ;-)
> Do we need to protect the user in a way that '&' is mangled even if it
> was  included in the allowedNameChars? Any other chars? 

  Someone who plays with this, should know more that that. This equivalent
to change the role of the characters in tex.

> < > Should we ask others before we change the .layout or .lyx format ?? 
> <   Who said that we need to do that? 
> I remember remotely some idea about a "CNAME= ..." option in the 
> .layout files ...
> Now that a) and b) are gone, that won't be a problem. \relax :-)

  You traitor. Finally I see your true face, it should have been. <relax />
> /Andreas

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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