Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

>> Does the following one-liner patch help? I think this is a consequence
>> of the fix of bug 1415, which increased the value of num_units.
> Thanks, Jean-Marc. I'll try it when I am back home (Thursday).

Actually, I just tried it and it fixes the crash. As in 1.3.x, invalid data
is now just omitted (replaced by 0 [default unit]). That's ok for the core.
I try to implement some validators for qt (checkedwidgets), so that the
user cannot apply invalid data at all (and gets a visual clue). xforms
already has this.

I have no cvs access ATM. Can you please commit your fix and mark bug 1682

Many thanks,

BTW: In 1.4, we now tranlate local values ("1,2") correctly (to "1.2"). This
happens in widgetsToLength, but unfortunately only for non-glueLengths
(glue Lengths with localized values are not validated). We could do
something like the following in widgetsToLength:

if (isValidGlueLength(fromqstr(length))) {
        string len = subst(fromqstr(length), ',', '.');         
        return len;

but I have a feeling that this is not the ideal solution. Do you have an
idea on how to do the translation in LyX(Glue)Length?

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