On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 07:37:41AM +0100, Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
> Yes, that's what you have done I think. In the case of chapter labels, it
> had the effect of drawing the word "Chapter" at the wrong coordinates:
> ascent_of_text was used to compute them.

Ah... ok. Nevertheless, I think this can be solved without storing
anything in _each_ row. In this particular case, in the metrics  hase
we'd just add  heightof("Chapter") to row.asc and at draw() time we'd
draw 'Chapter' at  y - row.asc + ascof("Chapter") and the rest of the
row as usual.

> PS: it's not very nice that you have changed so many things unrelated to
> coordinates in this patch. </rant>

I know, I know. Especially the completely unrelated par->pit renaming...
I just get distracted by such itching things.

Should I try to cut that part off or apply something similar to head to
make the diff smaller?


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