As discussed earlier with JMarc.

* define a new function
    namespace lyx { namespace support {
        void prependEnvVar(string const & name, string const & prefix);
    } }
* add a new variable, prepend_path, to LyXRC.
* define a new function actOnUpdatedPrefs
* add GUI interface to the XForms and Qt preferences dialogs.

Together, these are used to modify the PATH environment variable.

actOnUpdatedPrefs provides the scaffold on which to add more code in the 

I have to admit to getting frustrated with the LyXRCTags and so reordered 
them alphabetically. Ditto for the elements in LyXRC::getDescription.

I'll commit this over the w/e unless someone screams.


Attachment: prepend_path.diff.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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