On 19.01.05, Angus Leeming wrote:
> G. Milde wrote:
> > Dear LyXers,
> > 
> > IMHO, LyX clearly lacks a decent support for a scripting language. As
> > this topic is not new but discussion about which language to choose is
> > endless, I tried to set up a script interface via the lyxserver.
> Dear Günter, this looks very promising. Why not post to the lyx-devel list
> where I'm sure that the conversation will continue.

Please find attached my work so far. If you copy lyx.py into the
"pythonpath", pydoc will give you a nice view of the doc strings and setup

    pydoc  -p  port  Start an HTTP server on the given port on the local
    firefox http://localhost:port   Python docs, click on lyx module in 
                                    whereever you placed it

The examples/ subdir lists some, well, examples of what can be done with the
LyXClient class.

Generally, the lyxserver seems to be an a sad state mainly because noone
seems to use it seriously. (Some of my ideas and complaints are to be found
in examples/lyxtest.py.) If there is interest (and consent that this is the
right place), I'd like to discuss this issue further.


G.Milde web.de

Attachment: pyclient.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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