On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 09:16:38AM +0100, Asger Ottar Alstrup wrote:
> John Weiss wrote:
> [A great opportunity to have a little flame-fest.]

You're the one attacking me out-of-hand.

> >Not FUD.  Reality. [Long story about something irrelevant.]
> > Took them YEARS to get it to that state.
> Sad for them. I have a working LyX. It took a week of work while Elias 
> was sleeping. All you are saying is FUD, and the proof is in the code.
> You can repeat the same stories ten times, but they will still be FUD.

So, in other words, my professional experiences don't count for shit
as far as you're concerned, you'd just rather insult
highly-intelligent former-coworkers of mine for whom I have great
respect and who did Windows/Unix-platform-independence some 10 years
ago, before there was a Cygwin, before there was a QT, and before
there was a Boost.  Then, to top off your insult-fest, you have the
gall to claim that I'm the one doing the flaming?!?

You could've asked me *what* I was basing my claims on instead of
name-calling.  You could've found out that I've been comparing Boost's
way of doing platform-indep. to what I saw at my former employer.  You
could've just said, "Warnings acknowledged, but John, I don't think
it'll be that bad as most of the heavy-lifting's been done in QT
and/or Boost."  You could've bothered to find out that I'm not at all
against a Windows version of LyX, and that after certain legal issues
have been cleared up with my present (new) employer, I would've been
interested in working on a plaform-indep. abstraction.

In short, you could've chosen any number of more civil forms of
communication.  You didn't.  Well, I'm calling you on it, Asger:  You
instead chose to selectively edit so you could publicly insult and
humiliate me.  I thought I'd earned a bit of respect from you by now;
you certainly had mine.

Now... now I'm not even sure I want to be bothered with LyX.  I've
been through 3 years of job-hell.  I don't need this added stress.

John Weiss

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