John Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 08:15:10PM +0000, Andreas Vox wrote:
> > 
> > Angus Leeming <leeming <at> ...> writes:
> > > namespace support = lyx::support;
> > > using std::ostream;
> > > typedef list<string> SnippetList;
> > > 
> > > is just baaaddd. 
> > 
> > Ah, bad for *.h, ok for *.C? 
> > Got it.
> Does that help at all, Andreas?

It would have, if I hadn't "Got it" right after I read Angus' posting :-)

I've been a happy Java Programmer for the last 7 years so I "missed" (*)
all this new C++ stuff like templates, namespaces, exceptions and rtti.

I only guessed at the semantics of "namespace x = ..." and translated
"using" to the imports in Java. Of course I knew that header files get 
included everywhere but I didn't make the connection to namespace
pollution due to lack of practice.

Personally, I think C++ is hell. I know, I'm pretty lonely with this opinion
on this list. But the C++ designers just kept putting in new complicated 
features which help programmers to shoot themselves into the foot.
Not that C was a safe language to begin with.
A decent language shouldn't have a preprocessor, pointer arithmetic, 
automatic datatype conversion, commutativity of array access or a 
turing-complete template system. 

BTW, does anyone know the type of the expression

    bind(&Impl::finishedGenerating, this, _1, _2)

where Impl is PreviewLoader::Impl ?

Ok, I better stop now. 


(*) Read: Gladly didn't have to bother.

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