Dear Angus,

here are some initial comments on LyX/Win:

1. The fact that paths to documents are not allowed to contain spaces is a big problem on the Windows platform. This restriction implies that all Non-Administrators (i.e., users that cannot escape from their "Documents and Settings" environment cannot use LyX :-( I wonder whether it is enough to relax some check in the LyX code...

2. In math mode, it is not possible to use keys "_" and "^" for subscript/superscript. I understand that "^" may be a special case but why does "_" not work???

3. In math mode, the upper pink delimiters (I guess "corners" is not the correct English term, is it?) are not drawn correctly. The vertical line is one or two pixels to low. Maybe a rounding problem in the LyX code?

4. Before we announce LyX/Win, we should be able to list all tools that are needed to run LyX and its scripts. Trivial applications such as "mv", "cp", and "sed" come to my mind. In general, we cannot assume that these tools are available on a standard Windows machine. Of course, we can ease our lifes and require "msys" or "cygwin"...

That's all for the moment.

Kind regards, Michael

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