>>>>> "Luke" == Luke Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Luke> So if I need to tweak something I see as I am flipping through
Luke> the DVI viewer, the LyX editor is automatically scrolled to that
Luke> part of the document. 

LyX 1.4.0 will allow you to click on the xdvi image an have the cursor
set on the corresponding part of the lyx document.

Luke> Currently the DVI viewing behavior is very unproductive as it
Luke> requires the following process:

Luke> 1. ctrl-D 2. resize/zoom DVI viewer so that things aren't
Luke> microscopic 3. page down in DVI viewer to check for ugly things
Luke> 4. scroll in LyX to corresponding location 5. make changes 6.
Luke> close DVI viewer 7. goto 1

That is why View>Update>DVI exists. It even has a shortcut: Shift-Ctrl-D.

Luke> A split sync'ed panel or sync'ed double window approach would be
Luke> much more productive, and that is the entire point of LyX to
Luke> begin with: improve your productivity. I love watching people
Luke> hand edit Latex documents and spend lots of time figuring out
Luke> where their syntax error is... that or trying to remember a
Luke> certain command. I keep telling them to give LyX a try.

The problem is that this is difficult to do. What we have, though, is
inline preview of math equations.


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