On  8.02.05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Regarding the ability to create "hypertext" links in LyX documents
> (originated in a discussion on the lyx-docs list)
> Jean-Marc wrote:
> > chr> * Link to another part of the same document (this we have
> > chr> already, right?)
> >
> > Yes, but this means using a reference that will appear in the
> > printout. This is not like an hypertext reference.

Well, IMHO most hypertext references will be printed (somehow) when I print
a Hypertext. (e.g. lynx --dump will print lots of footnotes).

However, one could easily add an "Empty" option to the "Format" list in the
insert-reference dialog.

> > chr> * Link to another document?

A button appears, if you include/input the other document. Clicking on it
opens a dialog with an [open] button.

Thus, a workaround would be to include a file in a Comment environment.

A feature request would be an [Open document] button in the URL dialog.
It could use the settings in Edit>Preferences>File-Formats to choose a
program to display the hyperlink. Like in many browsers, an URL without
scheme specification should translate to a file path on the current system.

Thus the URL /usr/share/lyx/doc/Reference.lyx would open the Reference
guide in a new buffer.

One could even think about extending the syntax so that
/usr/share/lyx/doc/Reference.lyx#ch:functions would go to the label

The printed output is (as currently) determined by the "Name" field
(defaulting to the URL itself, if left empty).

> > chr> * Link to another part inside another document?

This is possible already (although not really easy). The Insert>Label
dialog has a "Document" drop-down list on top, that shows all currently
opened documents. Inserting a reference is relatively straightforward,

Unfortunately, going to this label did not work in my testing on LyX 1.3.4.
While clicking on a in-document reference will highlight the aligned
label in the dialog (allowing a fast GoTo), foreign-document references
will not be highlit.

Even worse: selecting this label (via the "Document"
drop-down) and trying the [Go to] button results in the error: label not
found in the current document. 

> Do people in general agree that it makes sense to have hypertext links in
> .lyx-files? Or is this something that doesn't make sense since LyX,
> assuming LyX is primarily supposed to produced printed documents?

If it doesnot bloat the application, hypertext ability would make the
production of printed documents easier. I could store links to
references, background information etc. for faster retrieval in the
editing process, say.

Also, it would allow the splitting of the Help>"Something" guides
preserving the hypertext features but allowing a faster loadup and an
easier navigation in the Help menu. (Who would expect help on "Export to
Postscript" to be hidden under "Profi Tips" (as the expert guide is called
in German).


G.Milde web.de

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