On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 09:00:53PM +0100, Michael Schmitt wrote:
> >André, I hope your cvs troubles are solved soon. I am not going to write
> >comments and changelogs for you forever ;-)
> It would ease Andre's life and reduce the download/upload times 
> significantly, if somebody committed up-to-date ./po/*.po files. (But 
> beware of the problem that I have mentioned some days ago; po file 
> generation seems to be broken right now)
> Alternatively, we could switch from CVS to Subversion (the latter works 
> very reliably now).

We are converting currently the whole company from whatever-kind-of
-manual/semi-manual/or-"professional" source control system to svn
and so far everybody seems to consider it as uniformly better than
everything they've used before. And I doubt there is any kind of scs
that was not used before there...

Andre', looking forward to a way to do a diff without network
connection... and file renaming...

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