I'm trying to change a paper I wrote from APA to MLA bibliography style.

I installed the mla sty and bst files from CTAN's contrib directory.
When I run the lyx file through, I get a lot of messages like the following,
but the generated file looks fine.

Has anyone seen these before? What can I do to fix this?

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.4.5)
The top-level auxiliary file: foo.aux
The style file: mla.bst
Database file #1: /home/Kayvan/src/capella/POL1000/refs.bib
`skip$' is a function literal, not a string or missing field, for entry 
while executing---line 1528 of file mla.bst
`skip$' is a function literal, not a string, for entry 
while executing---line 1528 of file mla.bst
ptr=2, stack=

\emph{CMS Website}
---the literal stack isn't empty for entry cms05:_center_medic_medic_servic
while executing---line 1528 of file mla.bst
Warning--empty journal in medicare05:_offic_u
`skip$' is a function literal, not a string or missing field, for entry 
while executing---line 1528 of file mla.bst
`skip$' is a function literal, not a string, for entry medicare05:_offic_u
while executing---line 1528 of file mla.bst
ptr=2, stack=

``{The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare}.''

Kayvan A. Sylvan          
Sylvan Associates, Inc.  
"Software Guru. Will work for big $$."

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