
that looks easy enough. I guess the first for links

LyX Help documents: This page describes the help documents that come with an
installation of LyX.
Manuals: A place for manuals (or links to them) about LyX
Tutorials: Tutorials on using LyX
Presentations: A place for presentations (or links to them) about LyX

suggest that this page is a collection of links to other documentation (which
is more or less complete...). I would probably have found the link myself, if
you would have a section "Self-contained Documenation" and a section "Tips".
Names are not so important but not mixing them is important. Another option
would be to move the "Tips kind of documentation altogether to the Group

Apart from that I am wondering, if it is very difficult to add the "Multiple
lines in one table cell" part to (non-ERT) LyX. It adds just a \newline and
checks if the column has a fixed width. In excellent implementation would
inform a user trying to add a \newline to a column without a fixed with that
he need to fix the width of the column first.

Many thanks for the great tool and documentation,

Am Dienstag, 5. April 2005 23:02 schrieben Sie:
> Rainer Dorsch wrote:
>  > I was not even able to find
>  > the table page you refer to from the wiki starting page.
>  > How would I navigate to these useful tricks...?
> The table wiki-page was listed under
> http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/Documentation
> and is now also listed under
> http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyX
> To navigate to documentations in the wiki, click on the link "LyX" in
> the "Groups" on the left side of the wiki start page.
> regards Uwe

Rainer Dorsch
Alzentalstr. 28
D-71083 Herrenberg
Icq: 32550367

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