On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 05:33:18PM +0300, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> Here is the next patch... adding a cur.undispatched() statement did
> the job.  So the LFUN_FINISHED mechanism seems to work... in this
> case, it allowed he cursor to skip out of the inset, immediately to
> the right of the parentesis, when pressing the END key. But how now do
> I get it to go forward to the next parentesis, i.e., execute LFUN_END
> for the parent inset? (Yes, I know, pressing the END key again. Not
> what I wanted to hear :)

Maybe we should really have a 'request queue' in the cursor. This would
certainly simplify the logic in this area:

When dispatching an LFUN_END at pos == lastpos, idx == lastidx, we'd
simply pop off a cursor slice and re-add an LFUN_END request to that

LCursor::Dispatch would loop as long as there are events in that quue
and ths pick up this re-added event in the next iteration and
effectively dispatch it to the original inset's parent. No LFUN_FINISHED
needed, no magical cursor.undispatch calls and even more flexible for
the future as an inset may add more than one new event to the queue
if needed etc...


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