On Thu, May 05, 2005 at 11:17:21AM +0100, Angus Leeming wrote:
> Martin Vermeer wrote:


> >> So we did some good, just not enough? Are you able to give me any
> >> pointers to the remaining sources?
> > 
> > I doubled the blink rate (400 -> 200 msec) and traffic went from 450 to
> > 900 B/s (estimated; firestarter's resolution is 0.1 kB/s). So I think it
> > is really the cursor and nothing else. This is for a quiescent LyX
> > containing one new, empty doc.
> Interesting. If you look at the source, you'll see that I recreate the 
> pixmaps only if the pixmap dimensions change. The rest is just copying the 
> contents of an existing pixmap to an area of another existing pixmap.

Yes, that's how I read it too.

> If you add some print statements you can check that the pixmaps are 
> created only occassionaly (the {no,v,h}cursor_pixmap_.resize(...) calls).
> If that hypothesis is correct, then the traffic is instructions to copy 
> one existing pixmap to an area of another existing pixmap and there's 
> nothing we can do about it.

Plausible actually: 450 B/s at 400 ms corresponds to 200 B/blink or
under 70 bytes per bitblit operation, where coordinates and height/width
info must be transferred to the server.

Our only hope would be a 'blink' attribute for pixels at the server, but
AFAIK X doesn't do that...

- Martin

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