On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 11:23:03PM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
> > > Coarse screen updates when the cpu can't keep up is much better
> > > than detailed but lagging updates.  
> > 
> > And our real problem is that our updates do not serve only the
> > purpose of showing something on screen, but also to put the
> > coordcache in some sensible state. This can't be skipped if we
> > expect e.g. <down> to work even while typing fast.
> I see.  The coord cache must be updated, but I hope the actual drawing
> can be skipped ??? when lyx knows that it is behind.  That improves
> performance in many cases, such as an overloaded machine or X over a
> slow network.

The coord cache is filled in the drawing phase (the metrics phase fills
the size part of the coord cache only). We _do_ have a 'null painter'
which only fills the cache, but if we did metrics + null painter
painting + real painting in every case, drawing might get slow. Just a
suspicion, though.


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