Michael Schmitt wrote:
> Once again, I would like to raise the question
> on whether we can really afford to maintain more than one frontend.
> Wouldn't it make sense to remove even the xforms frontend for 1.4? Who
> is actually using/testing it? I think one really good frontend is better
> than two half-heartedly tested frontends.

My take on this is that we should
* have one *official* frontend, Qt, after 1.4 is out.
* ditch XForms after 1.4 is out.
* send the gnome port to the Attic now.
* leave the gtk port alone. Nobody is *required* to work on it. If John
Spray wants to work on it, then who am I to tell him not to?

Basically, maintaining a working frontend is minimal effort, so I don't
think that it matters if someone wants to have a pet project porting to
his/her favourite toolkit.


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