On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 09:29:12PM +0100, John Levon wrote:
> On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 09:55:18PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > > ControlBranch.C (for example) is pretty trivial,
> > 
> > [To a degree that make one wonder whether it is explicitly needed at all
> > ... but you are right.]
> I admit to be speaking from a position of ignorance wrt Qt 4, so I could
> well be utterly wrong, but I'm not sure what (i.e. how much) code we
> could actually drop with Qt 4 MVC. What bits become unnecessary?

Qt 4 uses MVC for e.g. tree views, list views, tables, comboboxes...

I don't think LyX structure will be affected. However, in addition to
the MVC changes they completely revamped function naming. It is
certainly more consistent now, but the price is that you touch almost
any line of code that uses the Qt API. They try to provide a qt3toqt4
script for updating Qt3 to Qt4 code, but right now it does not translate
a single of the Qt3 programming exampes completely and correctly.

> (I assume Qt 4 is clean enough to allow us to drop QFooDialog.Ch ...)

*shrug* There is some slot-auto-connect feature which might help a bit,
but I haven't used it until now. I am fighting the abysmal drawing speed
right now. Two mallocs, three reallocs and two frees for drawing a
single (already properly clipped etc) triangle..


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