Angus Leeming wrote:
I think I'd like to add this to development/Windows. OK?

Go ahead.

You can find the resulting installer itself at It's 5.8 MB in size.

As such, I'm quite pleased with the installer.

Me too. Good work!

> However, it is not yet
complete. It should run the Resources/lyx/configure script but doing so will require it to check for/find a unix shell environment. I plan to add this support but, for now, you should run "sh configure" from the Resources/lyx directory before launching lyx.

Once again, I'll say that rewriting configure in some other programming language would be a scoop. I've seen a few projects use JavaScript: libxml, libxslt, but you almost had a shell in c++, which I believe would be the best, since then "configure" could be live inside LyX: It could automatically check dependencies just-in-time.

As a second best option, you could extend the installer with downloads and installs of the necessary components. Anyway, as a minimum, you should present a web-page at the end with a bunch of download links for all the prerequisites and optional extension packages required to get the full benefit of LyX.

A few other comments: A nice installer will offer to start the application after the installation, to relieve the poor user from having to find the icon himself.

Normally, it is good manners to ask whether to register the application with the .lyx suffix or not. In theory, the user might have another application that uses the same suffix, and would prefer to keep it that way.

Of course, a port to 1.4.x would be great.

Finally a question: did you use the most aggressive 7-zip compression? 5.8 Mb is a bit steep,


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