Peter Kümmel wrote:

Ahhhh, we have a lurker! Hi, Peter!

> Angus Leeming wrote:
>> Actually, you do realise that you don't need to compile the whole Qt
>> distribution? Looking at the Makefile in the top level qt directory:
>> all: symlinks src-moc sub-src sub-tools sub-tutorial sub-examples
>> It seems that you can stop after sub-src
> To get the library only on rebuiliding go to the qt-3/src
> directory and and call:
> mingw32-make.
> Qt also compiles with the free borland compiler which is really a
> speedup.

Hmmmm, but does LyX? Might do, but LyX makes much more heavy use of
templates than Qt. Still, most of this is encapsulated by Boost and they
do try and get things to work on Borland.

>>>Angus could you give me information how you managed ti compile it.
>>>I also noticed that my qt-m3.dll has 9MB and yours 6MB. So
>>>something is going wrong. Whcih compiler do you use?
> Maybe the big versions contains debug symbols, configure with:
> configure.bat -release -shared -fast

Ahhhh. Magic! Here's my angus-configure.bat file. It's the same as yours,
no? (Apart from the -fast option which won't affect the size of the
resulting library, just the time taken to run configure (not make).

set QTDIR=J:\MinSys\home\Angus\qt3
set MINGW=J:\MinGW
set PATH=J:\MinSys\home\Angus\qt3\bin;J:\MinGW\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
configure.bat -verbose

> (try pconfigure.bat; you would be suprised!! :) )

Isn't this your tool to tell me how many weeks I will have to wait before
compilation is complete? It doesn't actually speed up compilation at all,
does it?


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