Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Hello Paul,

I implement a solution that checks which program is associated to the .pdf file extension. Could you please thest if this installer finds Adobe Reader on your computer:


thanks in advance and regards

Hi, Uwe,

The installer listed the correct directory on the screen with all the helper applications detected. In the "Software summary" dialog, where it lists the paths it will set as defaults, it runs the paths for Acrobat and Python together. This appears to be just cosmetic (a missed newline).

After installation, acrord32 is listed as the viewer for all PDF file types. However, the "path prefix" entry in Edit | Preferences | Paths is a bit odd. What I see is:

C:\Program Files\LyX\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\Python23;C:\TeX\MiKTeX\miktex\bin;C:\gs\gs8.13\bin;C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.0.3-Q16;C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader;F:\LyXTest\bin;F:\miktex\miktex\bin;f:\freeware\ghostscript\gs\gs8.51\bin;F:\Freeware\ImageMagic

The first half (through Acrobat Reader) are fine, but I don't have an F: drive on my laptop (I take it you do?), so they are all wrong.

I loaded a document containing JPG images and exported it successfully to DVI, from which I infer that ImageMagick is being found (on my C: drive), the errant path prefix notwithstanding. "Successful" here means that yap could view the entire file, including the images. However, when I try to View | DVI, something goes wrong. LyX runs yap, which loads the DVI file and displays the first page; but when I try to scroll to the second page (where the first graphic appears), I get an MSVC++ runtime error saying that yap asked to terminate "in an unusual way".

I looked in the temporary buffer directory. The .tex file refers to images as "C:/.../obnoxiously_long_filename".eps (note that the extension is .eps and that it is outside the quotation marks -- not sure if the latter is an issue. The graphics files in the temp directory are all .jpg files, no .eps in sight.

-- Paul

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