Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> I would do this but the Problem with Yap is not a bug in LyX.
> Windows has a character limit for filenames. If you use a filename with
> 220 chars, export the LyX document to .tex, run then LaTeX, and open the
> created file with yap no crash occurs. If you view the DVI from within
> LyX yap crashes because the dvi file uses then the path
> PSfile="F:/lyxdokumente/lyx/tmp/lyx_tmpdir1060a00924/lyx_tmpbuf0/_lyxdokumente_FILENAME.eps
> (where FILENAME has 220 chars) and this is too long for ghostscript and
> Windows. (Yap uses ghostscript libraries to show eps-files in dvi.)
> You can also see this when you use the maximal char number for the
> filename in Lyx. Then convert.exe fails to convert the image to ppm as
> convert also uses ghostscript.
> But anyway, who uses such long filenames? Should we take care about
> this? If yes, we could limit the filename length allowed for LyX to 100
> chars or so, but I don't think this solves the problem in general.
> regards Uwe

I think Uwe's right, my brief experimentation showed that ghostview
actually stops working "earlier" (= already with shorter paths) than
miktex/yap, when used to open an eps-file with a long path directly. I
even couldn't reproduce the yap-crashes with any file with a path that
the windows-explorer still accepted.

So save your energy for other bugs ...

Again, thanks for the great work, lyx-win will be/is cool.

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