On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 10:26:49AM +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
> I am not sure what you meant exactly, but I exchanged recordUndo for
> recordUndoInset in some places.

Even better than what I had in mind. I forgot about recordUndoInset.

> The problem is that recordUndo only records changes to the current
> cell, and that is wrong if we e. g. add a column.  The attached patch
> fixes the undo problem in math grids. Unfortunately the cursor is put
> in front of the grid instead the old position after an undo, and that
> is annoying, especially if the grid is large. Does anybody know how
> that can be fixed?

Hm... problem is that we record here a cursor with a slice short of what
we catually need. I'd guess the undo machinery could be extended to
record a slice more if needed...


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