Bennett Helm wrote:
>> What is your gcc version? The configure script uses
>> -ftemplate-depth-30 for gcc 2.x, but not for later versions.
> Really? I'm using:
> Apple Computer, Inc. version gcc-938, based on gcc version 2.95.2
> 19991024 (release)

The configure script can't perform magic, y'know, and it doesn't have
human-like intelligence. It relies on the compiler telling it something it
can understand:

gxx_version=`${CXX} -dumpversion`

case $gxx_version in
2.95.1)  CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt -fpermissive -ftemplate-depth-30";;
2.95.*)  CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt -Wno-non-template-friend -ftemplate-depth-30";;
2.96*)  CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt -fno-exceptions -ftemplate-depth-30
3.0*)    CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt";;
3.1*)    CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt -finline-limit=500 -fno-exceptions";;
3.2*)    CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt -fno-exceptions";;
*)       CXXFLAGS="$lyx_opt";;

Here I get:
$ gcc -dumpversion

What does your apple-hack give?


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