Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| I now have a working lyx-1.4cvs which uses nb instead of no.
| I get translated text with LANG=nb_NO, and I get the
| freshly renamed nb_Intro.lyx from the help menu.
| This was less work than expected.  Just a few renames,
| makefile changes, and changelog updates.

Nice. I think this is what we should do.

| How to I submit a patch with renamed files?
| I tried
| cvs diff -N -u
| but that did not work.  It merely complained about the
| missing no.po, and wondered about the unexpected nb.po

you have to do a cvs add to make that work (and to do cvs add you need
cvs write access)

| Should I send a diff for the changed files and let one of you
| do the rename in cvs, or is there a way of making a patch
| that removes the "no" files and add the "nb" files?

Send it to me with a list of what needs to be renamed.


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