On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Bo Peng wrote:

> > I run RH 7.3 on a laptop at home. If you'd like I could test it (just let
> > me know what to do).
> You first need to replace all A += B to A = A + B, and replace any
> str.count(), str.replace() with something equivalent in 1.5.2. (I do
> not know what they are since I never used them.) Since you do not have
> to touch the cygwin/tmpfile part, the rest of the code seem to be
> pretty back-compatible.
> Besides lyxrc.default, you would better also compare doc/Config.lyx .
> Thank you for your help.

Um.. I think the info I need is a bit more basic than so... For instance,
can I just run the script with some arguments?  Where can I get the
script (can I use the CVS browser)?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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