On Thursday 01 December 2005 14:15, Bo Peng wrote:
> 1. We fix this before 1.4.0 since otherwise a file format change can
> only (?) happen for 1.5.0,

  Yes. I have reworked the file format and I don't want to make such a change, 
not even paid. :-)
  The format is more robust in 1.4.x but even so if we make such change we are 
opening a worms can. For your/our sanity please don't do it now. :-)

> which is, I suppose, another two years away?

  I hope not. :-)

> 2. Find a way to notify every lyx user not to send lyx file via email
> without compression. (BTW, is there a possibility for
> self-compress/decompress lyx format?)

  Compress with gzip, lyx 1.4.0 reads and writes compressed files. FWIW 
lyx2lyx already does that, even in 1.3.x. We don't advertise this as it is a 
1.4.x feature but it already there. :-)

> Cheers,
> Bo

José Abílio

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