Enrico Forestieri wrote:
>> If you were to do that, you'd probably want a third package containing
>> only C:\Program Files\LyXxtras\bin
>>   dt2dv.exe
>>   dv2dt.exe
>>   libiconv-2.dll
>>   mingwm10.dll
>>   qt-mt3.dll
>> and have the lyx.bat in the 1.3 and 1.4 versions of the LyX package add
>> this directory to the PATH before launching lyx.exe.
> Angus,
> no libiconv-2.dll in sight there:
> $ ldd /c/Programmi/LyX/bin/lyx.exe

Oh, nice! I had no idea that ldd worked on Windows.

> C:/Programmi/LyX/bin/lyx.exe
>   C:/Programmi/LyX/bin\qt-mt3.dll
>     C:/Programmi/LyX/bin\mingwm10.dll

Nice to know. Maybe it was a left over from some previous attempts to use
the MinGW gettext. I seem to remember trying to do so and failing.


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