On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 15:36 +0100, Frederic-Emmanuel PICCA wrote:
> John Levon wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 03:05:42PM +0100, Leuven, E. wrote:
> >>* the icons are extremely ugly (and very inconsistent in style)
> > We badly need an artist on staff.
> What about using the same icones than openoffice or abiword etc... where 
> we can, and create a new set for others ?

I suggest that the Tango guidelines be considered.  It's not clear how
far these will be adopted by KDE and GNOME, but it's a step toward a
more universal look:

One notable usability problem with the icons as they are is that some of
the math icons in particular are purely black-on-transparent - they are
almost invisible when using a white-on-black desktop theme.

I would point out that the GTK frontend uses GTK+ stock icons for things
like load/save/search and so on.  The point of this is to obey the
user's theme.  The qt frontend could do the same thing with KDE icons I
suppose.  There is scope in the GTK frontend at least to use more
system-themed icons, automatically picking up what's used in abiword as
opposed to duplicating the image files.  I may look into this.

In my view it is far more important to have LyX look like its
environment than it is to identify a visual style for LyX itself.
Wherever possible the frontends should try and pick up icons from the
desktop theme.

By the way, I have a nicer, larger .png/alpha application icon for lyx
(than the little xpm) which is good for people using big icons on panels
and so on.  I can find it (on my home machine) if anyone's interested in
including it in 1.4.


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