Georg Baum wrote:
I got an interesting email from Henri Adriaens, a author of powerdot. He
reports me his problems with the implementation of powerdot for LyX. I
mean that they are interesting enough to talk about it to make life
easier for package authors to provide a LyX layout file.
Here is the original email:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Hi Uwe,
and above all, I don't like it at all that the gui places restrictions
on the latex that can be used in lyx.
Well, you can do so many nasty things in TeX that the layout files will
having obligating and optional parameters for macros and environments
are not a kind of nasty ...
always only support a subset. You have to use ERT for all the other stuff,
it is impossible and undesirable to support everything in GUI. Of course
that does not mean that the current possibilities are enough.
_nobody_ said, that everything should be possible.