Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would be very happy if you could review my code.

One thing I like about your code is that it makes the code of clients of
ParagraphList a lot more readable. One place where this isn't the case is in
undo.C where code like this suggests that you haven't yet hit on the perfect

--- undo.C      24 Nov 2005 16:22:39 -0000      1.69
+++ undo.C      8 Feb 2006 21:39:52 -0000
 <at>  <at>  -106,7 +106,8  <at>  <at> 
                advance(first, first_pit);
                ParagraphList::const_iterator last = plist.begin();
                advance(last, last_pit + 1);
-               undo.pars = ParagraphList(first, last);
+               /// \todo verify this
+               undo.pars = ParagraphList(plist, first_pit, last_pit+1);

I'm in total agreement with Lars that you should proceed in small steps.
LyX is developer-driven, so you'll really wow the team by making the code
of users of ParagraphList more beautiful. Users care about performance,
so you'll wow them by using something other than vector<paragraph> as
the data store, but that's definitely a second step. Get the interface
right first.

Incidentally, there are two main differences between the way Lars and
I review code:
1. I'm less grumpy and more encouraging
2. My opinion counts less than Lars'

You've already shown me that you're a competent programmer with bundles
of energy, so I'd like to welcome you aboard and state that, despite
(maybe because of ;-)) the grumpiness, these guys have been a pleasure
to spend time with. I'm sure that you'll have fun here and you'll learn
as much as you contribute. The emphasis here is on writing quality code
and there's a strong belief in peer review. So, stick with it ;-)

One thing I'm less keen on in your code is your use of multiple typedefs
in the ParagraphList to mean the same thing

class ParagraphList {
    // Good
    typedef std::vector<paragraph>::iterator iterator;
    // Horrible
    typedef std::vector<paragraph>::iterator PLI;

Ducking out again,

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