Andre Poenitz a écrit :
-class ParagraphList : public std::vector<Paragraph>
+using namespace std;

Please no 'using' in headers.

Sure, this was just a quickly made proof of concept.

-       ParagraphList::const_iterator p = par + 1;
+       ParagraphList::const_iterator p = par; p++;

Or 'p = boost::next(par)' ...

I don't see much the advantage but OK.

+const size_t VECTOR_RESERVE = 1000000;

Overkill. 10000 is more than anybody uses.

Note also that e.h. each table cell has a ParagraphList,
so for 50 x 50 table you'd reserve 2.5 * 10^9 items.
No good.

Use 100 or so for VECTOR_RESERVE _at max_. In fact, I do think
we should not reserve anything.

Make sense. OK.

+Paragraph& ParagraphList::get(size_t pos)
+       BOOST_ASSERT(pos < PliVector_.size());
+       return *PliVector_[pos];

Could that be called 'at(..)'?

Sure. This is more STLish indeed.

+size_t ParagraphList::size() const
+       return PliVector_.size();
+ParagraphList::const_iterator ParagraphList::begin() const
+       return ParList_.begin();

I'd guess most of these functions should be inline in the header.

When we decide on a final implementation yes.

+       bool result=true;
+       for (size_t i=start; i<end; ++i)

        bool result = true;
        for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i)

People are picky here ;-}

That picky? ;-)


Thanks Andre,

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