> You're welcome, as this was quite quick work for me I put your stuff in 
> a temporary location here:
>       http://wiki.lyx.org/Playground/LyXOnCygwin
> You can just edit and play with this page... when you're happy we can 
> come up with a better location for it. This way you can directly edit the 
> wiki page yourself. If you wonder anything about how to achieve a special 
> appearacne or thing, just ask.  I did make a minor modification to your 
> text in that I removed the initial '$' on your lines with commands... I 
> thought it's easier to do copy&paste without them.


I think I brought to an acceptable state that page. Please, feel free to
move it wherever you think is appropriate.

I also uploaded to ftp://ftp.devel.lyx.org/pub/incoming/  3 scripts and
a patch, as you can see from the links I set up. I think that they should
be moved somewhere else, otherwise they cannot be downloaded.

Thank you very much.


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