Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Angus wrote:
> Ok, you can grab this iconv-aware version of LyX 1.3.7 here:

> This is probably not what is supposed to be tested, but
> the spellchecker fails "The spellchecker has failed! No word
> lists can be found for the language "en"."

As yo suggest, this is all to do with the aspell 0.5 to 0.6 change. aspell 0.6
expects to find its dictionaries in a different location to 0.5. Haven't got
time to help here I'm afraid but the aspell pages are quite explicit (as you
pointed out), so it'd be great if you could install dictionaries in the place
expected by aspell 0.6 and see if you can spell check both flavours of LyX at
the same time.

That's the sort of "release info" we'll need to add to the LyX137 page on the
wiki if we eventually go with this _v3.


ps, as you say, the real reason for posting this thing was for "code-page
competent" individuals to play with gettext. That's still the case...


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