Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Thanks for all the advice.  I had some mismatched libraries,
| and cleaning up that was probably a good idea. Still, the problem
| persisted.
| It turns out that "cvs up" always complains if local changes
| are in the way.  "svn up" never complained, so I thought
| everything was ok.  But it turns out that "svn up" never complains,
| and now I feel silly.

You probably got a conflict the first time you did 'svn up' but didn't
| "svn revert -R *" purged the remains of some old performance
| patches I tested - and then my 64-bit lyx ran just fine.
| So be warned, "svn status" or "svn diff" is needed to notice
| wrong files.

Yes. This is one of the crucial differences. With cvs 'status' was not
really useful. With subversion it is.

And with subversion 'update' does just that.


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