Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> I am a bit nervous about removing things like \begin, \left or
> \protect. Can you tell what having these break?

Nothing, but they are not used either.

> In the case of \protect, I think ignoring it is consistent with the
> rest of the code.
> I'd rather have a patch for 1.4.x that only fixes \fbox and \boxed,
> unless you know what happens to the others.

Lets go through the list (reordered to group similar cases):

#name             inset       flags

begin             begin       none
right             right       none
protect           protect     none
newcommand        newcommand  none
left              left        none
end               end         none

We don't have these as insets, so these get parsed as a MathSymbolInset
(with name 'begin' etc.) in createMathInset(). This does not make sense
Apart from that, all these cases are handled explicitly in the math parser.
Therefore these entries in lib/symbols have no effect, because everything
goes through the math parser (including text->math conversion and
math-insert \bla\blub via the minibuffer)

underset          underset    none
overset           overset     none
mbox              mbox        forcetext

These work and are not changed

label             label       none

This is handled directly in the math parser if it occurs in a MathHullInset.
It will be misparsed as MathSymbolInset otherwise, so this should also be

parbox            parbox      none

The parbox inset has been removed in 1.4. That means that \parbox does not
work anymore if the contents contains spaces. Nevertheless, having it here
causes \parbox to be parsed as a MathSymbolInset, which is wrong.

fbox              fbox        none
boxed             fbox        none

These are not handled explicitly in the math parser, but in
createMathInset(), so they must be removed.

Summary: lbale, fbox and boxed need to be removed, parbox is broken in
either case, and the others are ignored anyway.

What shall I now do for 1.4?


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