On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 11:51 +0200, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 10:29 +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
> > Martin Vermeer wrote:
> ...
> > > This patch makes
> > >every save intentional, which is a Good Thing.
> > >  
> > >
> > Lyx already indicates if the document is changed or not.
> > I may still need to _save_ an unchanged document, because
> > I know I modified the .lyx file through other means:
> > * I copied another file over it (most common)
> > * I  edited that .lyx file with another lyx or a text editor (rare)

These are not common situations for most users. "Change" means: this
document in memory has changed. Not: this document in memory is now
different from the stored version on disk. I disagree with you here.

> > Now if lyx also detect these other means - go ahead and disable save.
> > But if mismatch between memory and the lyx file can't be detected
> > 100% reliably, then please don't force us to work around broken
> > disabling logic. 

See above. You expect the change flag to do a job it isn't meant to.

> > Breaking the (Changed) notifier isn't so bad, as long as I can
> > save when I know that the lack of (Changed) is wrong.

See above.
> > >There is the easiest of workarounds: do a small edit.
> > ><space><backspace> comes to mind.
> > >  
> > >
> > Works, but don't want to.  Why force people? 

It isn't forcing, it's protecting. When writing, clicking 'save' every
now and then becomes second nature. Now when opening a file only for
inspection, you should not be able to accidentally change that file's
date stamp (yes, that's the most hateful thing about re-saving
"unchanged" documents -- and no way within the known laws of physics to
revert it!)

Again, blocking save (with an easy override in the form of a "Touch"
menu entry) is the Right Thing.

- Martin

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