Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>> "Enrico" == Enrico Forestieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Enrico> Jean-Marc, LyX 1.4 has serious speed problems not only on the
> Enrico> Mac. I tried to use 1.4.0pre4 for working on a big document
> Enrico> (~60 pages) with lots of figures and equations, and went back
> Enrico> to 1.3.7 in desperation. 
> Is that in particular when adding/deleting paragraphs?

No, I experience sluggishness when trying to move around the document.
Sometimes I find myself rolling the wheel without seeing any movement
at all. This is not related to Windows as I see it on Debian and Solaris,

If I load the userguide and press the page down key, the window scrolls
almost uniformly until the end. But if I load my document and hold down
the PgDn key, the scrolling is rather not uniform. At certain points it
even stops and I can count from 1 to 5 before it starts scrolling again.
In part it is due to the fact that some figures must be rendered, but if
I wait until all figures are rendered and repeat the experiment I see no
great improvement (this time when it stops scrolling I can count from 1
to 3 before it restarts).

The only difference with the userguide is that I have a lot of figures
and equations. This doesn't happen in 1.3.7 where scrolling is still
not uniform but never stops.

It is really irritating when you roll the wheel or click on the arrows
on the sidebar and nothing happens for some seconds...

I repeat, this is with with my big document (about 60 pages) full of
figures and equations, otherwise with other documents it is bearable.

I also see that recently it is a little better than with the
prelease versions.


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