On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 01:43:55PM +0100, Georg Baum wrote:
> Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > I have a comment on this patch. I see that you get rid of the rtrim call
> > in latex_path. This has the following effect: in all cases the argument
> > of [EMAIL PROTECTED] will have two '/' appended, except on cygwin when
> > cygwin_path_fix_ is true, in which case only one '/' is appended.
> > This is because external_path() will trim the trailing '/' when
> > cygwin_path_fix_ is true.
> Why does it do that? It does not make any sense to me.

This is the way the cygwin call which convert paths works...

> I'll commit the patch as-is rught now. It is a monotonic improvement over
> the current situation, we can fix this issue when we know why it happens.

I was only being pedantic. I put a lot of attention on those small things
because you never know to what a small difference can lead.
Anyway, the argument of [EMAIL PROTECTED] should have a single shash appended
and the rtrim would guarantee that.


PS: Sorry that I cannot reply promptly, but I have also to do some work.

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