Enrico Forestieri wrote

>> 2. If I write a+b=c in a math insert and switch on instant preview, the
>> insert sometimes disappears, and at other times it appears as a b c
>> (with missing operators).

>If you have dvipng installed, this may be due to the fact that when
>a font is missing it is created on the fly by mktexpk (or alike) and
>its output gets mixed to that of dvipng. This output confuses the
>lyxpreview2bitmap.py script, which thinks the font is not available.

>If this theory is correct, you should simply close and then reopen
>your document to see the previews.

I tied it. It does not work. a+b=c simply vanishes on this computer (Win XP) if preview is turned on, even if I close Lyx and open the file again. I have dvipng installed.

This relates to the LyxWin version of March 7, which may be different from the one I tried this morning on my laptop: I encountered the problem mentioned by Paul already that 'check for "/c/Program"' occurred (rather than "c/Program Files"). This was no problem on my laptop (Win XP, Lyx 1.4 installed in C:/Program Files/Lyx1.4). The Ert insert seem more decent here, but I shall try again at home (and be more exact with the version dates). Which is the version the developers would like to be tested, by the way?


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