On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 10:55:19PM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:
> Dear list,
> configure.py was first written as a direct translation of the
> configure.m4 file. It is not structured, and use all global variables.
> Attached is a more pythonic version. It is the first step towards my
> goal of automatic partial re-configuration.
> The diff will be difficult to read so I attach configure.py as well.
> Please apply and test it.

I tested it on cygwin. Here are the results.

1) After launching, the script was hanging in checkCygwinPath().
   I had to kill the latex.exe process to let it continue (I use
   MikTeX, so latex.exe is a native win32 program, whereas python
   is a cygwin application). Doing so, the check for cygwin_path_fix
   was wrong, of course.

2) lyxrc.defaults had CRLF terminators.

3) All other files (packages.lst, textclass.lst, and doc/LaTeXconfig.lyx)
   were ok and a diff with the ones produced by the sh configure script
   showed no significant differences.

So, apart from 1) and 2) above, it works. Good work!

I think that the configure script should also provide for a default
\path_prefix in lyxrc.default, probably based on platform. When
sys.platform == 'cygwin', it would be:

\path_prefix "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin"


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