On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 09:53:45AM -0800, Stephen Harris wrote:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=lyx-devel&m=114381524012218&w=2
> Enrico wrote:
> Why miktex is outputting non-text characters is beyond me, though.
> -----------
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.editors/browse_thread/thread/1b8a2d71bce3eb33
> /99fc8b9a55bf799f?lnk=st&q=%22%5EM%22++EOL&rnum=1&hl=en#99fc8b9a55bf799f
> I have seen ^M at the end of some words (or lines) which
> has to do with Dos/CRLF getting confused with *nix/LF EOL's.
> The DOS EOL (end of line) is seen as Crtl-M by the Unix editor.

Yes, this is common. Even a non-ascii character with code > 127 would
not be a surprise. But a null (zero value) in the middle of a string
is quite unusual.

> I wondered if the type of editor used to generate the LyX files
> used could cause a conflict? This is a tentative suggestion.

No, LyX has no problems in dealing with both line termination styles.


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