On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 05:55:07PM +0200, Georg Baum wrote:

> Am Samstag, 1. April 2006 17:07 schrieb Enrico Forestieri:
> > Understood. I'll leave the checkbox thing as it is now, i.e., the user
> > can subvert the configure script decisions (a really bad idea) and 
> > arrange things such that LyX internally uses the format decided by
> > internal_path(). My idea is that the internal and external formats
> > should be the same and for the moment will hardcode a boolean forcing
> > either a posix or a pseudo win-style (with forward shashes) format.
> > 
> > Is that a correct interpretation of what you write above?
> Almost. No boolean please (that would circumvent the whole idea of 
> internal/external path). Simply hardcode the decision in internal_path 
> and external_path. Later we can then think about paths visible to the 
> user and replace some calls of external_path() by a new function 
> display_path().

Georg, cygwin runs on windows and it understands both posix and
win-style paths. So, what is external and what is internal? 
In the win32 version C:/xxx is the internal representation, in
the *nix version /c/xxx is the internal representation.
Why one of the two cannot be chosen as internal representation
in cygwin (which bridges both worlds) ?

Sincerely I cannot understand your point. If you fear that this
fact can bring a major burden to a programmer, well, now I have
spent quite some time on the subject and can tell you that it is
exactly the contrary, i.e., a major burden can occur if you adopt
a different representation for external and internal ;-)


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