
I assume that the developers have tried the new version only on small
papers where it seems to work flawlessly (as far as I can judge). With
large manuscripts (I am writing a book) I have observed over the weekend some serious problems with 1.4.1. In other ways, 1.4.1 is definitely an improvement, so it would be nice to mend these problems.

(It was a good idea to design 1.4.1 such that it can co-exist with 1.3.7
on the same computer. This makes it possible to quantify the relative
performance of the versions on the same machine.)

1. Navigate.

I load the book manuscript (250 pages in PDF). I click the
navigate button. It takes more than 11  seconds on my laptop until the
navigation pane opens.  I navigate to some Chapter and click navigate
again. It takes again more than 11  seconds until the navigation pane
opens. In Lyx 1.3.7 this infinitely faster (occurs momentarily, zero
seconds). 1,4,1 is much too slow, especially if you have to navigate a
lot between different parts of the manuscript, as is the case with me.
(Windows XP Sp 2, Pentium M 1.49 GHz, 598 MHz 1.49 GB of RAM).

2. Open the document
        Lyx 137: 2 seconds
        Lyx 141: 6 seconds

3. Scroll in the document from beginning to end with mouse and sidebar:
        Lyx 137: momentarily, smooth movement
        Lyx 141: no smooth scrolling, considerable delays.

4. Scroll through document from beginning to end with page down key pressed:
        Lyx 137: 20 seconds
        Lyx 141: 4 minutes (!) 49 seconds

4. ERT inserts are following now the format of the corresponding
paragraph. I like the earlier way better, compare the attached screendumps.

5. Math background cannot be adjusted in 1.4.1.

Hopefully these observations are obsolete; otherwise I hope that they are useful.


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