Andre Poenitz a écrit :
On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 04:24:49PM +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
We should instead maintains lists of interdependent numbered paragraphs and update only those paragraphs that need updates. In this context, a kind of DocIterator that will iterates other one of these lists would be really useful.
Interesting idea.

Thinking further, this 'lists of interdependent numbered paragraph' is
basically a tree (or rather, a 'forest'), and one does not even need to
change any paragraph in 'updateCounters', the couter value could be
extracted on-the-fly at metrics() time from this tree.
Exactly ;-) . We would just have to "connect" a "Label tracking" object to the paragraph for which we want to maintain the labeling.

Thinking even further, the problem might as well vanish when chapters,
enums etc are 'real' entities instead just markup un a sequence of

This is not exactly with the TeX way, but I don't think they are

This would be closer to the XML way indeed but I didn't dare to say it. I know that you guys are thinking about a switch to XML; a real switch would mean more than a format.

Back to the original 'thinking further':

A LabelTracking object maybe independent (enumerate type) or may depend on a mother LabelTraking object to witch it is connected (ex: Table type could optionally depend on Section type). A priori there should be only one section type object but as many as we want enumerate or itemize that could be created on demand.

This would be almost a no-cost solution.
The only cost is memory. But maintaining a couple hundreds of list of pointers shouldn't be very heavy.



PS: Sorry for the double-post Andre.

Was this the clue-stick? I know, I keep hitting on 'g' instead of 'L'.
Maybe I should just exchange the key bindings.

No it's just that I use mainly gmane where I reply to the newsgroup. So when I reply by mail I forget sometimes to "reply all".


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