Bo Peng wrote:

Both you and Angus have a point and I am on your side. However, if
miktex is the only program that needs administrative privilege, we can
consider getting ride of it from the bundle.

MiKTeX don't need admin privileges to be installed, choose "Install MiKTeX only for me" in its installer.

No we aren't. The installer comes with GSview that is distributed under
It is not that ghostview should not be bundled, but that viewers are
not essential part of lyx. Lyx needs Python, imagemagick etc to work,
but ghostview can be replaced by other gs viewers. Starting from 1.4.2
(I hope), lyx will handle the whole viewer business to windows (just
like other programs do) so a "choose a program" dialog will appear if
a user does not have any ps viewer installed. Since acrobat reader is
widely available, most users can bypass gs viewer without problem.

This is just the case. The installer detects viewers. You can choose to install GSview and if it's not yet installed it will be. The same couldn't be done for Adobe Reader due to its restrictive license. But this is no problem as over 90 % of the win people have it installed by default.

I guess all of us will be happier if

1. The installer is much smaller, with only the essential part of lyx.
I.e., part of Python, a few commands from mingw, imagemagick and
aspell. (Without ghostview and miktex) It would be easier for users
that already have miktex etc to upgrade.

Then use the "small" version of my installer that don't come with MiKTeX.

2. Do not require administrative privilege so lyx can be installed by
anyone as a viewer (or fully functional if miktex is already
installed). This will also help upgrade (no need to email IT guys).

That's really hard. I tried to do this but gave up. There are so many registry problems between the programs that are hard to handle. What's the problem to mail the IT guys, it's their job to install programs users need?

regards Uwe

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